I can't hardly believe that May is almost over! There has been so many exciting events happening, and so many pictures taken, that my poor computer has been on overload and down for the count. I'm hoping that I will get this posted before it decides to nap (again!). Fingers crossed...here we go.
So, this doesn't really count as part of May, but it's close enough.
April 29, 2011 was a pretty big eventful day around the world as eyes watched the wedding of the now royal couple. Although the festivities began at 4 am with live coverage I opted out to witness the first viewing of the future Princess and "the dress". With my wonderful sister n law snoozing on the other couch we began to watch the royal event fold out in front of us. Well, at least I did. It was a truly magical wedding that left me with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. Despite getting a few eye rolls from the hubby, I'm so glad that I woke up to watch the wedding at 6 am. Well worth it! My princess woke up in time to witness the royal couple coming out to give the highly anticipated kiss. My sis n law and I are not present in these pictures for a reason. We're not cute that early. My princess is always cute and ready for a snap shot. This will be so fun to look back on with her some day when we read stories of magical kingdoms, princes, and princesses.
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