Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

What a beautiful, hot, relaxing, and perfect weekend.  With the mercury climbing past 90 we escaped the the city and ventured to the coast of Pure Michigan.  The fresh lake breeze was so exhilarating.  Summer has arrived (regardless what the calendar says). 
I have so enjoyed watching many of Baleigh's "firsts".  It seems that we have been experiencing a LOT recently.  Last Monday she decided that it was time to start crawling.  So at 9 1/2 months my baby is crawling.  Well kind of.  It's a mix of a crawl and a gimp leg drag.  Adorable, that's what I call it.  Just adorable.  Now that she's crawling that also means that she's pulling herself up on EVERYTHING.  I love seeing those chunky legs pulling herself up.  They make my heart just melt.  Watching her walk up and down the side of the couch is just mind boggling.  I can't believe all of the developments and milestones that are reached in just 10 short months.  A-mazing. 
This beach trip was her first...granted there was no swimming involved (the lake was a frigid 40 degrees! No thanks), we did dig our piggies down in the cool sand.  Baleigh had a great time discovering all of the fun things to do with sand.  Here are a few pics from our trip

She had constant smiles the whole time

I love all things ruffles for baby girls. Sun hats are no exception

My fav. 

Daddy burying her piggies in the sand. I think she was amazed.

My favorite thing ever...Kaleb wrapping his arms around our little girl

sleepy babe

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A little bit of May

A few exciting things that have happened in May...
Baleigh has learned to pull her self up on what seems to be everything.  She has now mastered her crib too.  At 9 months of age this is the first sign of moving herself that she's given.  No crawling, no scooching, can't even sit from a laying position, nothing yet.  Which means for me a immobile baby, which means a less worried Mom. 

We "caught" her standing for the first time in her crib.  She thinks she is such a big girl. 

In the beginning of May my brother moved home from Virginia.  I would be lying if I said that I wasn't SO EXCITED that he was moving back.  It has been so long since we've been close enough to just "hang out" without hours of driving and high $ bills of gas. I've been soaking up the time we've spent together and taking in every moment. 
Baleigh trying on his class ring

Not a huge fan of the hat

This is what I've been waiting for ALL summer.  A good ol' bonfire and S'MORES!

Is he annoyed? Probably.  Do I care? Not in the least. 
That's what sisters are for! To capture the finer moments in life.

My first Mother's Day was such fun.  I was able to enjoy my little family and then the whole big family.  I love days like those!

These two just melt my heart!

Tulip time was the next big event that took place.  We ventured out to explore the tulip town but we didn't have much luck with the places that we visited.  I think we went at the wrong time.  But the tulips were beautiful!


football stripes, and mohawk...check, check

I'm pretty sure they should have had a sign that read "Please don't eat tulips"

Maybe not as tasty as they looked

A Royal Note

I can't hardly believe that May is almost over!  There has been so many exciting events happening, and so many pictures taken, that my poor computer has been on overload and down for the count.  I'm hoping that I will get this posted before it decides to nap (again!).  Fingers crossed...here we go.

So, this doesn't really count as part of May, but it's close enough.
April 29, 2011 was a pretty big eventful day around the world as eyes watched the wedding of the now royal couple.  Although the festivities began at 4 am with live coverage I opted out to witness the first viewing of the future Princess and "the dress".  With my wonderful sister n law snoozing on the other couch we began to watch the royal event fold out in front of us.  Well, at least I did.  It was a truly magical wedding that left me with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.  Despite getting a few eye rolls from the hubby, I'm so glad that I woke up to watch the wedding at 6 am.  Well worth it! My princess woke up in time to witness the royal couple coming out to give the highly anticipated kiss.  My sis n law and I are not present in these pictures for a reason.  We're not cute that early.  My princess is always cute and ready for a snap shot.  This will be so fun to look back on with her some day when we read stories of magical kingdoms, princes, and princesses.